Ladies Three Piece Ensemble in Taffeta Location / Ladies Ensembles
Seth Bullock Vest, Original Huckleberry, Dress Shirt. Location / Men's Clothes
Vaquero Jacket, Also available other colours. Location / Men's Clothes
Turkey Creek Jack Johnson Shirt Location / Men's Clothes
Spur Straps with Three Piece buckle set and Concho, Location / Spur Straps
Hand of God From the 2007 Movie 3:10 . Location / Movie Stuff
Buckaroo Spur Straps with 2" Concho Mounted on a Leather Rosette. Location / Spur Straps
Johnny Ringo Jacket and Pants, Shirt and Rig. Location / Men's Outer Wear
Charles Price, Movie 3:10 to Yuma Fits Most Guns. Location / Movie Stuff
Black Powder Rig in Dark Brown, Complete set. Location / Black Powder Rig
Old West Cartridge Belt with Triple Loop Holster and Concho's
Buscadero Gun Belt Custom Made. Location / Movie Stuff
Custom made Victorian Ensembles / Location: Ladies Wear
Ladies Jacket, has a complete Set. Location / Ladies Wear
Ladies Underskirt Padded Bustle with Lace trim. Location / Ladies Accessories
Custom MadeVictorian Corset. Location / Ladies Accessories
Drover Narrow Bib Front shirt. Location / Gents Wear
Light Blue Bankers Neck Tie. Location / Gents Accessories
Old West Custom Made Chaps Location / Chaps
Arizona Border Town Holster Location / Holsters
Saddle Bags, Tooled Serpentine Pattern, Custom Made to order. Location / Saddle Bags
Wallets are in stock and made to order. Location / Gifts & Other stuff
Hand made Chenille Bags with Leather Handles. Location / Gifts & Other Stuff